Django output pdf using reportlab

Today I implemented the pdf output of the CS outlines. I must say the reportlab was much easier to work with than the java based com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter. It only took me a few hours to completely reimplement the export to pdf's in python/django. I will post the code below for those interested in exporting to pdf using django.

jQuery – Table row highlight

My first task that I had set out to do was to replace this table row highlighter that was found from somewhere on the web to be using jquery instead. I found that this task to be extremely easy with jquery. The syntax are as follows: First ofcourse download the jquery library from and include it into your html. Then do the following: jQuery: /*basically toggles the hoverHighlited class everytime the mouse enters the row */ $(function(){ $('tr#highlight_row').hover(function(){ $(this).toggleClass('hoverHighlighted') }); }); css:

Update on my progress

As of now I am currently starting my research on my Masters Thesis so will be posting about that quite a bit as time goes on. I will be using C++ to implement an optimized bottom up cubing to use to determine emerging patterns. Emerging patterns are itemsets/patterns that show significant increase in support given two datasets. We will be using: DPminer: Which is an algorithm used to find key's, generators and closed patterns given a set of datasets. Thus far is the fastest algorithm to determine closed patterns.

Decided to update my site

After months of not updating my site I thought it was about time to update and put up a new theme and start the blogging again as a tool to self reflect. Updated to Drupal 6.17 and right away there were problems with login's where I had to modify the to hash out the: //session_regenerate_id(); else the login wasn't working. It would successfully log me in but would take me back to the page with the login prompt. I believe that is because dreamhost (my ISP) decided to upgrade their php to 5.2.13 as of June 29/10.

Three easy steps to self-confidence

Found this from a site. Lost the site but have the content. How not to loose yourself in this whole world of insecurity and develop a healthy lifestyle/relationship with yourself first. How do you practice being self-confident? How do you make all this theory happen? In three steps, just like the title says, of course!

Best quote I heard…

When there's something you really want, fight for it, don't give up no matter how hopeless it seems. When you've lost that hope, ask yourself if in ten years from now, you're going to wish you gave it just one more shot. For the best things in life, don't come free.

Barack Obama Vs John Mccain ( 2nd debate )

Thought I'd live blog about the 2nd debate of Obama and john that is going on right now. I tried to get most of the important thoughts out. Question 1 regarding the economy was obviously regarding the middle class and the economy. - Barack gave some fixed - Treasurer secretary chosen that understand that its not enough to just help the people at the top. We gota help the middle class. Many of the people, wages have flattened. Tax cut policy, provide 95% working two jobs etc.

Possible alternate Cancer Therapy Without Side Effects Nearing Trials

Dr. Steve Curley who is leading the tests with this new method to treat cancer claims that the treatment has proven 100% successful at killing cancerous cells. This new therapy involves no radiation/chemotherapy but rather injecting nanoparticles into the body. These nanoparticles then attach to cancerous cells then "cooks" tumors inside the body with harmless radio waves. According to Dr. Curley these nanoparticles have yet to harm any normal cells.

A baby with two faces!

Being a Hindu I thought I should blog about this. A baby born with two faces in India is thought to be a reincarnation of a Hindu goddess. This is interesting as most babies that come out as conjoint twins are physically unstable to carry out their normal body functions. This also does depend on where they are conjoint, but being joint at the head could be a very serious problem. Anyhow, the doctor delivering the baby told the mother that this baby was normal so it is interesting. Could this be a reincarnation?